"Weird charm registers most pungently"

Un Tres Petit Cheval! Ostensibly, a rearing little pygmy pony may be seen as "a trite bit of puffery". However, when
juxtaposed with an equally pint sized pink cottage embellished with fox hunting paintings, it is original and entertainingly eccentric.

"Aloft like bubbles in a champagne flute" (LA Times)

He has finally succumbed to his human nature
He's everything you wish you were!
He has finally succumbed to his human nature, as well

Sorry to disturb you Miss, but I believe there is a horse in your living room.

"He possesses the crackling wit of a '30s screwball comedy ingenue"(LA Times)


"With dizzying wit and acute intelligence"

She is "not above mixing the mundane with the mad".

Heads Will Spin...
I have a "near-idolatrous fascination" with these oddly amusing characters. I find their unlicensed spontaneity and ability to "disturb popular prejudice" rather inspiring. These photos should be accompanied by a smile or a laugh...
1. Leonardo Di Vinci
2. Vanity Fair
It's so funny, the pictures on the house exterior were so shocking to me that I didn't even notice the pony until I actually read about it in the paragraph below. :)